Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Very brief overview...

So camping is the order of the day, and I'll be incommunicado for a couple more before I get home and back into the blogging biz. BUT...I didn't see a whole lot to get excited about in the grocery store ads this week.

I plan to hit Save-A-Lot to snag $1 popsicles, free after coupon-I ordered these.
I will hit Albertsons to get a few things from their anniversary coupons, using my milk coupons to score nearly free stuff, again. Sunny D, Cake Mix/Brownies, Hot Pockets, Grape Jam, maybe Purex detergent over there.
I hit King Soopers this morning to snag the under a dollar a pound black grapes, which are cheaper at Sunflower Market, but I didn't have time to go all the way up there or mess with price matching.
I also snagged some corn on the cob 6/$1 at Safeway early this morning.

Check out SpringsBargains or savinglikecrazy if you want more details, they are both local and do more complete write ups.

I'll be in touch when I get done smelling like campfire!

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